Club Information

360 Degree Panoramic Image

The following image shows a 360 degree panorama of the flying field. Please scroll the image sideways to view the entire field.

Field Hours

The flying field is open during daylight hours only.

GPS Coordinates

35°52'58.0"N 81°27'35.0"W
35.882618, -81.459891


Click for map of field and meeting locations

From Hickory:
Take 321 North towards Lenoir. At the stop light by the Burger King in Hudson, turn right onto Mt Hermon Rd. Continue to the intersection with Freezerlocker Rd. Go straight across the intersection, and continue up the hill into the landfill property. Stay on the dirt road through the landfill, until you come to the field gate on the right.

From Lenoir:
Take 321 South towards Hickory. At the stop light by the Burger King in Hudson, turn left onto Mt Hermon Rd. Continue to the intersection with Freezerlocker Rd. Go straight across the intersection, and continue up the hill into the landfill property. Stay on the dirt road through the landfill, until you come to the field gate on the right.


Meetings are held at the flying field on Lick Mountain on the third Sunday of each month at 2:00pm. Please bring items for show and tell.

Elected Officers for 2025 Club Year

President: Aubrey Smith
Vice President: Chris Roberts
Treasurer: Doug Gast
Secretary: Mike Howe

Appointed Officers for 2025 Club Year

Safety Officer: Richard Smith
Field Marshall: Ted Fleming
Activity Coordinator: Terry Gilliland
Contest Committee Chairman: Terry Gilliland, Vic Welland
Instructor Pilots: , Butch Clark