Hildebran R/C Aero-Modelers

Volume 2, Issue 5

AMA Charter # 3470

May, 2002

Club Officers:

President: Ron Bachman
VP: Jim Holder
Sec/Treasurer: Rick Hughey
Editor: Brett Springall

Web Site http://www.hrcam.com/
Appointed Officers:
Field Marshall: Jessie Wylie
Assistant Field Marshall: James Phipps
Safety Officer: Elbert Cook

Intro Pilots:
Ivan Vrooman
Elbert Cook

From The Oval Office

Thank you to Bobby Butler for bulldozing the car track into its new shape. Bobby put in a lot of work on the track, and we appreciate all that he has done.

I hope everyone is planning on attending our family fun fly. It should be a good day for some fellowship, food and flying. We had a good time last year, and we want to try and repeat that this year.

I also hope everyone makes use of the drinks machine. It will be very nice to be able to buy a cold drink at the field during the hot summer months.

We will be discussing the family fun fly, events etc and the associated work day at the next meeting. I hope as many people as possible can attend, because there will be a lot to discuss.

See you at the next meeting.

Ron Bachman


Next Meeting:
Sunday, May, 12, 2002 at 3:00pm
Location: Flying Field

Notes from the last club meeting

Our drinks machine is now installed, and is filled with chilled drinks. We are monitoring the electricity usage to see how much it is going to cost on a monthly basis. We need a volunteer to keep the machine filled, and to collect the money from the machine. If anyone is interested, please let any of the club officers know.

The date for our family fun fly has been set as May 26. A work day will be held at the field on Saturday May 25, to get the field prepared for the fun fly. Jim Holder assumed the responsibility of organizing the fun fly.

Jessie Wylie has elected to take the position of field marshall, along with James Phipps as assistant. Elbert Cook is to pick an assistant to help in club safety.

AMA membership when using the car track was discussed. Only club members and their guests may use the track at the moment.

IMAA Fly In, Greenville NC, May 11
Midland NC Fun Fly & Swap Shop, May 11
Joe Nall Giant Scale Fly In, Woodruff SC, May 15-18
Annual CCRC Open House & Fun Fly, High Point, May 26
Hildebran Family Fun Fly, May 26